Sexual Wellness
Sexual health is very critical to a woman’s physical and emotional well-being. Achieving a satisfying sex life requires self-reflection and honest communication with your partner. The topic is worth addressing though it can be a complex one.
At Timeless Essence in Coral Gables, FL, we specialize in enhancing the sexual wellness of women. We feel that your sexual well-being is a significant part of making you feel beautiful and youthful. Our approach to sexual health includes both medicated and holistic methods.

Why Is Sexual Health Important for Women?
What Is a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection?
Sexual dysfunction is not a minor problem. And unfortunately, most women suffer from it silently. But that can be changed with PRP injections, and they offer a quick and effective way to treat sexual dysfunction in women of all ages. The injections are highly successful and help our patients by improving their orgasm strength and frequency. They can also eliminate urinary incontinence. Other benefits of PRP include:
- Increased sensation.
- Smoother skin of the vulva.
- Reduced pain connected to sex.
- Increased natural lubrication.
How Does PRP Injection Work?
This non-surgical treatment makes use of your blood platelets to encourage growth factors, allowing more blood flow to the organ, therefore, revitalizing the female orgasm system. After platelet separation and the numbing of the area with a local anesthetic, the PRP is injected into the most vital areas for sexual arousal. The procedure can be done in less than an hour, and patients can go back to their regular daily routine. Its benefits include:
- Reduced pain during intercourse
- Reduced or resolved urinary incontinence
- Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
- Younger, smoother skin of the vulva
- A tighter vaginal opening
- Stronger orgasm
- Increased frequency of orgasms
- Greater sexual desire
- Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
- Improved natural lubrication
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