Uncover Food and Chemical Sensitivities with the Alcat Food Sensitivity Test
The Alcat Test uncovers foods and other substances that trigger chronic inflammation and related health conditions, such as gastrointestinal, respiratory, and joint issues as well as migraine, dermatitis, fatigue, and metabolic disorders.
The Alcat Test measures cellular reactions to over 450 substances.
Scientific studies using the Alcat Test to guide diet have shown significant improvement of many common symptoms.
To date, the Alcat Test has helped well over half a million people change their health.
How It Works
Sensitivity vs. Allergy
A so-called "true" or "classical" food allergy reaction usually causes immediate and dramatic symptom onset. These reactions can, in extreme circumstances, even be life threatening. Usually the respiratory system is most impacted.
Food sensitivity symptoms, on the other hand, are usually delayed and less acute. However, they can also lead to chronic inflammatory health issues, impacting almost any part of the body.
The different symptom presentation, different biological underpinnings, and overall different character of true food allergy versus food sensitivity, mean that different diagnostic approaches need to be applied. The ALCAT Test is efficacious for food sensitivities, but not "true" food allergies.The different symptom presentation, different biological underpinnings, and overall different character of true food allergy versus food sensitivity, mean that different diagnostic approaches need to be applied. The ALCAT Test is efficacious for food sensitivities, but not "true" food allergies.

Associated Conditions
Symptoms such as migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin, neurological, and numerous other disorders, have been linked to food sensitivity and chronic inflammation. The Alcat Test is designed to assess sensitivities to over 450 foods, chemicals, medicinal herbs, and other substances.
- Gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease.
- Metabolic disorders, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, inabilitiy to lose weight
- Inflammatory conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis or asthma, autoimmune disorders
- Others, such as fatigue, headache, migraine, cognitive impairment
Sensitivity vs. Allergy
There is a new paradigm in health and medicine - personalization. Health can be improved and maintained by knowing how food plays a role in your body.
The Alcat Test enables you to take advantage of leading technology to create a personalized eating plan resulting in benefits that can be seen and felt.
The results from the Alcat Test help determine which foods and other substances may trigger unwanted inflammation. When complying with the Alcat Test results, many clinical symptoms associated with food sensitivity may be substantially improved or possibly prevented altogether. 1-6
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